Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unit 3 Compilation

Table of Contents
The Skeletal System
          Bone Repair
                    Axial Skeleton
                              Vertebral Column
                              The Ribs and Sternum
                    Appendicular Skeleton
                              Pectoral Girdle
                              Pelvic Girdle
          The Muscular System
                    Skeletal Muscle
                    Individual Muscle Cells
                    Cardiac and Smooth Muscle

Elements of Functions of Blood
          Red Blood Cells
          Oxygen Carrying Capacity
          White Blood Cells
          Blood Types
                    A, B, AB, or O
                    RH Factor
                    Blood Typing

Cardiovascular System
          Blood Vessels
          The Heart
          Pulmonary Circuit
          Systemic Circuit
The Immune System
          Transmission of Pathogens
          Biology in the News
          Lymphatic System
                    Lymph Nodes
                    The Spleen
                    Thymus Gland
          First Line of Defense Against Pathogens
          The Second Line of Defense
                    White Blood Cells
                    Natural Killer Cells
                    Complement System
          The Third Line of Defense
                    Immune Memory
          Medical Assistance in Fighting Pathogens
          Inappropriate Immune System Activity
                    Autoimmune Disorders

The Respiratory System
          Upper Respiratory System
          Lower Respiratory Tract
          Breathing Process
          Gas Exchange
          The Nervous System Regulates Breathing
          Respiratory Disorders
                    Disorders that Impede Respiratory Function
                    Respiratory Disorders from Microorganisms
                    Lung Cancer
                    Pneumothorax and Atalectasis
                    Congestive Heart Failure

If the kidneys thing there is not enough oxygen available, it produces a hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin causes stem cells to make more red blood cells. When the kidneys register there is enough oxygen available, it cuts back on erythropoietin to slow down the production of red blood cells.
The Skeletal System
The skeletal system is made from bones, ligaments and cartilage, which are types of connective tissues. 
Bone is mostly made of nonliving extracellular crystals of calcium minerals. But it also is made from a living tissue that is made from more than one type of cell, nerves and blood vessels. Bones have five jobs. The first job is to provide support. Without support we wouldn’t be able to sit or stand. The second job is to provide protection. Bones protect many internal organs like the lungs, liver and spleen by surrounding them. The third is movement. Bones are attached to muscle and that is what makes our bodies able to move. The fourth job is blood cell formation. Cells in some bones are the only source of new red and white blood cells and platelets. Without these cells you would die. The last job is mineral storage. Calcium and phosphate are two minerals which are stored in bone until they are needed.
The long part of the bone is called the diaphysis. At the ends of the diaphysis is the epiphysis which looks like a knob. The diaphysis is made of compact bone. The center of the bone contains yellow bone marrow which is mostly fat. The bone is surrounded by connective tissue called periosteum that holds bone forming cells. If the epiphysis connects to another bone, there will be a moveable joint. That joint will be covered with cartilage to prevent rubbing. The epiphysis is made out of spongy bone. The spaces between the bone contain red bone marrow and the stem cells in them are responsible for making red and white blood cells and platelets.
acl tear anatomy
Ligaments are a fibrous connective tissue that gives strength to some joints. They attach bone to bone. They are made from collagen fibers that are placed close together. They are all in the same direction and have fibroblasts between them. 

Cartilage is made from fibers of collagen or elastin and other things. It is smooth and flexible and is found places that need support when they are under pressure. There are three kinds of cartilage. Fibrocartilage is made mostly of collagen fibers that are in thick bundles and can handle pressure and tension. It is found in the vertebrae and knee. Hyaline cartilage is smooth and glassy and made from thin collagen fibers. It forms in the embryo and later becomes the bone. It also covers the ends of bones that are in joints. Elastic cartilage is made from elastin fibers and is extremely flexible. If is found in the outer ear and the epiglottis.
            Bone Repair
Bone is always being replaced, repaired and remodeled. This is done by the bone cell osteoclast. When a bone has been remodeled, it can change the bones shape. Jogging and weight lifting and other weight bearing exercises will increase the bone mass in your body and the strength of the bone. When you break a bone a hematoma is formed in the broken area. Fibroblasts then travel to where the break is to begin repair. They turn into chondroblasts and make a bond called callus between the ends of the break. Then osteoclasts cone and take away the fragments and the hematoma then osteoblasts bring osteoid matrix and make the calcium phosphate minerals crystallize which turn the callus into bone. The repaired part is thicker than the original bone.
The skeleton is all of the bones of the body and the connective tissues that hold them together. The skeleton has three jobs. The first job is providing support to soft organs. The second job is to protect organs from injury. The third is to allow movement. The skeleton is divided into the parts, the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.
                        Axial Skeleton
The axial skeleton is made up of the skull, sternum, ribs and vertebral column.
The skull is made of over two dozen bones and its job is to protect the brain and make up the face structure. It consists of cranial bones that are flat and they protect the brain. The frontal bone begins at the front of the skull and makes up the forehead and eye sockets. The left and right sides of the skull have parietal bones and at the lower left and right sides are the temporal bones. The sphenoid bone makes up the back of the eye sockets. The ethmoid bone is also part of the eye sock and supports the nose. There are two nasal bones under the upper part of the nose; the rest of the nose is cartilage and connective tissue. There are small bones at the inner eye socket called lacrimal bones and have a tiny opening that tears drain from the tear ducts in the eye socket to the nasal cavity. The mandible bone is the lower jaw. The back of the skull is where the occipital bone is found. Facial bones are found at the front of the skull. Maxilla bones are on each side of the nose. The palate is made of maxilla bones and palatine bones. The vomer bone is behind the palatine bone and is part of the nasal septum. Zygomatic bones are the cheekbones and the outer eye socket. There are air spaces in some of these bones and they are called sinuses. The sinus is next to tissue that makes mucus. Sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity which is where mucus drains.
                                    Vertebral Column
The vertebral column provides support to the head, protects the spinal cord, all four limbs are attached to it, and some muscles. It is made of 33 bones called vertebrae. There are 7 vertebrae in the neck called cervical vertebrae, 12 in the chest called thoracic vertebrae, 5 in the lower back called lumbar vertebrae, 5 in the pelvis called sacral and the 4 coccygeal vertebrae in the tailbone.
                                    The Ribs and Sternum
The ribs and sternum have the job of protecting the chest cavity. There are 12 pairs of ribs in humans. One end of the rib comes from the thoracic part of the vertebral column. The other part is connected to cartilage which is connected to the sternum. The sternum is sometimes called the breastbone. It is a flat bone that is shaped like a blade and is actually made up of 3 bones that fuse together. The bottom two pairs of ribs are not connected to the sternum and are called floating ribs. The ribs, sternum and vertebral column make up the rib cage. The rib cage protects the heart, lungs and any other organs found in the chest cavity.
                        Appendicular Skeleton
The appendicular skeleton is made up of the arms, legs, pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle.
                                    Pectoral Girdle
The pectoral girdle includes the clavicles, which are collarbones and the scapula which are the shoulder blades. These provide support to the upper limbs. The arm and hand are made up of 30 kinds of bones.
                                    Pelvic Girdle
The pelvic girdle includes the coxal bones, the sacrum and coccyx. The pelvic girdle supports the weight of the upper body, protects organs that are in the pelvic cavity and is where the legs are attached.
There are three kinds of joints. The first kind is fibrous joint and they cannot move. The cartilaginous joint is another kind. In this joint, hyaline cartilage connects bones and there is some flexibility. Synovial joints are the third type of joint. This joint keeps bones apart by a cavity that is filled with a thin layer of fluid. The bones are connected by ligaments.
Ligaments, tendons and muscle provide strength to joints and help to keep joints stable.
The Muscular System
The muscular system is made up of three types of muscle. They are skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. Muscle is what makes us move or resist moving and make hear. Muscle cells contract when a chemical or electrical signal is given from other organs. Muscles shorten and then go back to their original length.
                        Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle is what makes bones move or stops them from moving. There are more than 600 skeletal muscles. Synergistic muscles work together and antagonistic muscles against each other. Single muscle is made of muscle cells that all have the same origin, insertion and function. Cross section muscle is a bundle of fascicles that are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue called fascia. Each muscle cell has more than one nucleus. The inside of the muscle cell is filled with long cylinders that are called myofibrils. A myofibril has a banded appearance that is repeated. There is a Z-line located in the myofibril. A piece of myofibril going from on Z-line to the next is called the sarcomere. The sarcomeres all shortening at the same time is what causes muscle to contract. A sarcomere has 2 kinds of protein filaments, myosin and actin. Actin filaments are connected to the Z-line and myosin filament is found in the sarcomere.
                        Individual Muscle Cells
When muscles contract, every sarcomere becomes just a little shorter. For muscles to contract, four things must happen. First, the muscle cell needs to be turned on by a nerve. These nerves are motor neurons that release a chemical called acetylcholine. Next, the muscle cell sends out an electrical impulse that goes to the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This releases calcium ions and the calcium spreads out into the cell cytoplasm where it reaches the myofibrils. Calcium causes the sliding filament mechanism to begin. This causes the myosin to connect with the thin filaments and makes a cross bridge. Contractions only happen when there is calcium present. When the nerve activity ends, muscle relaxation begins.
                        Cardiac and Smooth Muscle
Cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary muscle because we don’t have any control over them. They contract without any nerve activating them. Cardiac muscle contains pacemaker cells that stimulate each other and set the pace of contraction of the heart. Smooth muscle cells also activate each other. They also respond to nerve activity, such as the heart rate going up during exercise. The cardiac muscle has a slower rate of speed and sustainability of contractions than skeletal muscle and smooth muscle is even slower. Cardiac muscle goes through periods of contraction and relaxation so the muscle doesn’t become tired. Smooth muscle is partly contracted almost always. It contracts so slowly that it doesn’t become tired. Cardiac muscle is made of filaments that are in sarcomeres like skeletal muscle is. Smooth muscle is made of thick and thin filaments that are in bundles at different angles to the cell membrane.

Elements of Functions of Blood
Blood is a type of connective tissue. It has three important jobs that it performs. The first is blood transports substances to any part of the body. These substances include oxygen, nutrients and hormones. It transports waste products so that they can be eliminated from the body. The second important job is blood regulates the body temperature, the amount of water in the body and the pH of body fluids. The third important job is blood has defense cells that help fight off disease. Blood has the ability to clot so that there is not an excess of blood lost. These jobs are essential so that there is stability.
Blood is composed of liquid components called plasma and elements, which are the red cells, white cells and the platelets. If blood is collected in a tube then spun around in a special rotation device, the elements will fall to the bottom of the tube and the plasma will go to the top. This happens because elements are denser than the plasma. Red blood cells are at the bottom and are red in color. About 44% of the sample is red blood cells. White blood cells and platelets are next and are a grayish color and are about 1% of the sample. The other 55% is plasma and is located at the top of the sample. Plasma is a pale yellow color.
Plasma is made mostly of water, about 90%. The other 10% is made up of proteins, hormones, amino acids, fats, small carbohydrate, vitamins, waste product and other small molecules and ions.  Plasmas function is to transport blood cells and platelets.
After water, plasma is mostly made of plasma proteins and these proteins perform many different jobs. Three of the proteins are albumins, globulins and clotting proteins. Most of the proteins are albumins, around 2/3. The jobs of albumins are to keep the right balance of water between blood and interstitial fluid and to bind to some molecules and drugs and help them be transported through the blood. Globulins are proteins that bind to lipid molecules and help move them through the blood. When proteins bind to lipids it is called lipoprotein. Many people are familiar with the terms LDL and HDL which refer to cholesterol levels in the blood. High levels of LDL indicate a person is at a high risk of cardiovascular problems and high levels of HDL levels indicate a lower risk of cardiovascular health issues. The third protein is clotting proteins which help the blood to clot so a person does not lose too much blood. Plasma also moves many molecules through the blood.

red blood cells
(The Franklin Instute)
          Red Blood Cells
After plasma the next component of blood is red blood cells or erythrocytes. The main job is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. They give blood its color and its stickiness. They are small, circular and donut shaped with the middle thinner than the outside edges. They are able to bend so they can fit through even the tiniest blood vessel. Mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus or organelle so they do not reproduce. Blood cells are made from stem cells which are found in some bone marrow. Stem cells divide and are made into platelets, red and white blood cells. It takes about a week for red blood cells to mature. Red blood cells are filled with almost 300 million molecules of hemoglobin, which is an oxygen binding protein. Hemoglobin is made up of four polypeptide chains and each chain has a heme with an iron atom in the middle of it. A red blood cell can hold 1.2 billion molecules of oxygen. They do not use any of the oxygen they hold, they just carry it. Hemoglobin attaches best to oxygen when there is a high amount of oxygen and a neutral Ph, which is the condition found in the lungs. Oxygen first enters the plasma then goes into the red blood cells. Once it enters the red blood cells it binds to the iron in the hemoglobin. This removes some of the oxygen from the plasma which makes room for more oxygen to enter the plasma. Once the hemoglobin has four oxygen molecules attached, it is call oxyhemoglobin and is a bright red color. When the hemoglobin reaches the tissue that needs the oxygen, it releases it. When hemoglobin releases its oxygen it is called deoxyhemoglobin and is now a dark purple color. When the hemoglobin is at a tissue that has a high level of carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide attaches to it and it is carried back to the lungs where it is released and then expressed by breathing out. Red blood cells have a life span of around 120 days. They are very busy during their short life and make around 3000 round trips a day carrying oxygen from the lungs to tissue and then carrying carbon dioxide back to the lungs. There are around 2 million blood cells made a second. This high amount is needed to keep the hematocrit at an even level. Once a cell is no longer able to do its job, it is destroyed in the liver and spleen by a macrophage which is made from white blood cells. The process is referred to as phagocytosis. The amino acids are recycled and the iron atoms go back to the bone morrow. The liver turns this into bilirubin which passes through the intestines. If the liver does not do this properly, jaundice may occur. The skin and eyes turn yellow when jaundice is present.

            Oxygen Carrying Capacity
Hematocrit is the percentage of blood that is made up of red blood cells. This is a way that the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood can be measured. A low hematocrit may indicate the patient has anemia or a disorder that results in the level of red blood cell being made too low. A high hematocrit may indicate polycythemia which is a disease of the bone marrow made by there being too many red blood cells.
High White Blood Cell Count
(High White Blood Cell Count)
            White Blood Cells
White blood cells are bigger than red blood cells. White blood cells are also made from stem cells. There are a much smaller number of these than of red blood cells and they are translucent. They help to protect against diseases and injuries. There are two types of white blood cells, granular leukocytes and agranular leukocytes. They both have granules that contain proteins and enzymes but agranular leukocyte granules cannot be seen unless some sort of stain is added. The life span of a leukocyte is anywhere from a couple of hours to nine days. Monocytes are another type of white blood cell and their life span can be a couple of months. Lymphocytes survive for a couple of days to years. The number of white blood cells becomes higher when the body is fighting sickness. When more white blood cells are needed, they give off a chemical that causes the bone marrow to make more. It also causes the spleen to let out stored white blood cells. White blood cells can change shape so they are able to travel through the body without any issues.
Types of granular leukocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Neutrophils are the most common type. They mostly fight off bacteria by surrounding and absorbing the unknown cell. The next most common type is eosinophils. Eosinophils main function is to protect against parasites. They band together and attack the parasite with digestive enzymes. Their other job has to do with putting out chemicals so allergic reactions are not as severe. Basophils are the least common. Their function is to carry histamine which helps injured tissues heal.
The two types of agranular leukocytes are monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes can leave the bloodstream and go into tissue where they change so that they can absorb foreign cells. They also cause lymphocytes is be made when needed. There are two types of lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes cause plasma that makes antibodies to be made. T lymphocytes nullify bacteria, viruses and cancer.
Platelets are necessary for blood to be able to clot. Platelets are parts of megakaryocyte cytoplasm and cell membrane. They are not living and have a short life span, 5 to 9 days. They help bleeding to stop and then when it has stopped they help repair the injury by letting out proteins.
Hemostasis is the procedure the circulatory system follows to stop blood loss and is one of the most important functions it has. There are three stages this process follows. The first is vascular spasm. During this process the muscle in the blood vessel goes through spasms lasting around half an hour. If the injury is small the spasms may cause the walls to come together and the bleeding may stop. The second stage is a platelet plug is formed. The platelets form together and become sticky. They stick to the walls and each other. They will eventually form a plug that will close the injury. If the injury is small this can happen in seconds. In larger injuries, the third stage, blood clotting occurs. When blood clots it changes into a gel substance. There are many substances, at least 12, called clotting factors that make this happen. One of them is called prothrombin activator. When then platelets get prothrombin activator out it causes prothrombin, which is a protein to change into an enzyme that is called thrombin. Calcium ions are needed for this to happen. Thrombin then changed the plasma protein fibrinogen, a soluble plasma protein, into an insoluble protein, fibrin. Fibrin is long strands that go around the platelet plug and keeps the platelets and blood cells pressed against the injury. This can form a blood clot in less than a minute. After this happens, the platelets begin to draw in and tighten. If any of this does not happen, a cut or bruise could cause death. Hemophilia is a disease that is caused by damaged clotting factors. People used to die from hemophilia but today is can usually be treated by giving the patient clotting factor VIII. Some medications can also affect the hemostasis process.
            Blood Types
                        A, B, AB, or O
(Biology Corner)
Blood type is determined by the type of antigen a red blood cell has. Antigens cause the immune system to make antibodies. There are for types of blood. Type A has the antigen A and the plasma antibody B, type B blood has the antigen B in the red blood cells and the plasma has antibody A, blood type AB has both the antigen A and B and does not have either A or B antibodies and Type O blood, which does not contain A or B antigens but has both A and B antibodies. It is important to know what type of blood you have if you may have to receive a blood transfusion. If you receive a type of blood that has the antigen that your blood does not have, agglutination may occur. This is when the antibodies attack the unknown antigens. This causes them to clump together and the clumps can block blood vessels. This may lead to organs being damaged or in extreme cases, death.
                        Rh Factor
There is also an antigen called the Rh factor. You may be either Rh positive or Rh negative. If you are Rh positive you have the Rh antigen in your red blood cells and if you are Rh negative you do not have the Rh antigen. If you are Rh negative and are exposed to Rh antigen your body will make antibodies against it. This is most concerning for women who are Rh negative and are pregnant. At birth, the mother is generally exposed to her baby’s blood. If the baby if Rh positive, the mother will begin to make antibodies. In her future pregnancies, the antibodies may enter the placenta and attack the baby’s red blood cells. This can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn and can result in mental retardation or in extreme cases death. To prevent this, an Rh negative mother is given a shot of anti Rh antibodies at 28 weeks of pregnancy and soon after birth.
                        Blood Typing
To determine what type of blood a person has a sample of blood is drawn and then plasma with anti-A and anti-B antibodies is added. If the blood agglutinates then it is know that the blood contains the same antigens as the antibodies that were added.

Cardiovascular System
            Blood Vessels
Blood is moved through the body by blood vessels. There are three types of blood vessels.
The first type is arteries. Arteries have thick walls and their job is to deliver blood to body tissue. Blood is transferred from the heart into the arteries and they move the blood away from the heart. They have thick walls and muscle so they can handle the pressure near the heart. Arteries branch off and become smaller the further they are from the heart. They are stiff but do stretch when necessary. The walls have three layers to them. The first or inner layer is called the endothelium and keeps the flow of blood functioning smoothly. The next layer is made of muscle and connective tissue and is the thickest layer. The third layer is connective tissue, mostly collagen and keeps the arteries from injury. If the arteries are damaged blood may come between the layers and cause them to come apart. This is called an aneurysm. Aneurysm causes the layers to come inward and reduce the opening so the blood flow is reduced to an organ. Sometimes there is pain with aneurysm and sometimes there are no symptoms. When an aneurysm ruptures it causes internal bleeding and usually results in death.
An aorta is the largest artery and the smallest is arterioles. Because arterioles are further from the heart the blood pressure is not as high in them as in the aorta. Because the blood pressure is not as high they usually do not have the third layer, the layer of connective tissue. Arterioles also have a job that aorta do not, releasing the correct amount of blood into capillaries.
Capillaries are also a type of blood vessel and they are the smallest blood vessel. They have thin walls and are only a tiny bit bigger than red blood cells. Capillaries are arranged together in capillary beds over the entire body. Blood is able to trade out oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste products with tissue because of the thin way capillaries are made. There are opening to allow certain fluids to be traded but keep red blood cells and plasma in them. There is an extra amount of fluid during this which is placed in lymphatic capillaries. Lymphatic capillaries are classed in the lymphatic system. They take the extra fluid and deliver it to larger vessels which will bring the fluid to a vein near the heart.
Blood returns to the heart from veins. Veins have three layers but are not as thick as arteries. The blood is on its way back to the heart so the blood pressure is not as high as it was on its way out, meaning the veins are able to serve their function with a thinner wall. Veins fight against gravity to return blood to the heart. In cases of people who spend a lot of time on their feet, they may develop varicose veins in their legs and feet. This happens from blood pooling in certain areas. Veins are intertwined between muscles. When we move the muscle presses against the veins and helps push it back to the heart. If you are inactive for a while you may become tired easily. This is due to blood pooling in your legs. When you are active it helps the blood return to the heart. Veins also have valves that only allow blood to flow to the heart. It the blood tries to travel the wrong way, they will close off. Breathing also causes pressure against veins helping to push the blood through to the heart.
(Anatomy of the Human Heart)
            The Heart
The heart is made mostly of cardiac muscle and does not need to connect to bone. Its job is to continually be pumping so that blood is moved through the body. Your heart does not stop beating for longer than 2/3 of a second at any time. The brain normally gives the heart instructions on how fast it should be pumping but it can function without the brain giving it instructions. The heart is surrounded by the pericardium which helps keep the heart safe, keeps it in place and keeps it from being filled with too much blood. Between the heart and the pericardium is the pericardial cavity which has lubrication so that there isn’t any rubbing between the heart and pericardium.
The heart is made of three layers. The epicardium is the outer layer and is made of epithelial and connective tissue. The next layer is myocardium and is mostly thick cardiac muscle which contracts when the heart beats. The most inner layer is the endocardium which is endothelial. Any of these three layers may become inflamed and may be treated with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication depending on the cause.
The heart also has four chambers and four valves. The top two champers are called atria and the bottom two are called ventricles. The septum divides the right and left sides of the heart. The ventricles are more muscular than the atria. When blood is coming back into the heart in enters through the right atrium. It then goes through a valve to the right ventricle where it is pumped into an artery that goes to the lungs. Blood comes back into the heart from the lungs by going into the left atrium and then going through another valve into the left ventricle. The left ventricle pushes the blood into the aorta through the fourth valve. The blood travels throughout the body and then returns to the right atrium to begin again. The valves prevent the blood from traveling in the wrong direction. There are atrioventricular valves between the atria and ventricle on both the right and left sides and semilunar valves between the ventricles and arteries.
Because the heart requires so much blood it has its own blood vessels called the coronary arteries. If these arteries become blocked it can result in serious health problems.
            Pulmonary Circuit
The process that the blood goes through is as follows. First it goes into the right atrium from the veins. It contains carbon dioxide. The blood goes through the right atrioventricular valve and enters the right ventricle. It then enters the pulmonary semilunar valve and passes into the pulmonary trunk which goes into the lungs. When the blood reaches the pulmonary capillaries it releases the carbon dioxide and receives oxygen. The blood goes through the pulmonary veins that go back to the heart. It enters the heart through the left atrium and goes into the left ventricle by passing through the left atrioventricular valve. The blood without oxygen on the right side of the heart and the blood with oxygen on the left side never mix together.
            Systemic Circuit
After the blood goes through the pulmonary circuit, it goes through the systemic circuit. The blood goes from the left ventricle into the aorta. It travels into the branching arteries throughout the body into the capillaries. Once it reaches the capillaries, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and takes up waste products. Then the blood enters the veins and travels back to the right atrium and begin the pulmonary circuit again.
The Immune System
Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, prions and parasites that can cause disease.
Bacteria are the most abundant organism. Bacteria do not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles and are single celled. The DNA is found in one chromosome in most bacteria and makes a repeated loop and is attached to the plasma membrane. There are good bacteria and bacteria that cause illness. Good bacteria can be made to make antibiotic medication, hormones, vaccines and even some foods. Some good bacteria live in the digestive tract and helps make vitamins and keep out harmful bacteria. Some bacteria are pathogens and damage or kill cells. They cause a variety of illness. These illnesses can usually be treated with antibiotics which stop them from growing.
A virus consists of one small piece of RNA or DNA and is encircled by a covering of protein. They don’t have an organelle, so they don’t reproduce or grow. Viruses grow by entering a living cell and taking it over. Some viruses are extremely serious or life threatening such as AIDS, hepatitis and encephalitis. Other viruses make you feel lousy but are not serious such as colds and warts.
Prions cause mad cow disease in cattle and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakeob disease in humans who have eaten beef made from cows who have had mad cow disease. Prions are misfolded brain cell protein and they can make the proteins around them misfold as well. After a period of time there are enough prions that the cells burst and the prions are able to attack other brain cells and neurological damage is seen. Once you have contracted prions there is no cure available so it is important to avoid eating beef that comes from cattle with mad cow disease.
            Transmission of Pathogens
Some pathogens are transmitted very easily and others are harder to contract. The common cold is very easy to catch but not usually serious. HIV is harder to catch but is much more serious disease. If a disease is both serious enough to be potentially life threatening and easily caught, it can result in an epidemic.
            Biology in the News
Scientists believe they have found a way to detect pathogens that may cause inflammatory bowel disease more quickly than they currently can. The method involves using nanoparticles covered with DNA markers specific to certain pathogens. This process only takes hours instead of weeks before it produces results. The scientists made hybridizing magnetic relaxation Nano sensors that can find minuscule amounts of DNA from pathogens that may be hiding. When the hMRS attaches to the pathogen’s DNA a magnetic resonance signal is given and is made louder by the water molecules that are around the nanoparticle. The results can be read by a computer or smartphone by reading if there is a change in the magnetic signature. (Florida)
                                                             (Sun Coast Seminars)
       Lymphatic System 
The lymphatic system has three main jobs. The first is it maintains the amount of blood in the cardiovascular system, it carries fats and fat soluble vitamins from the digestive system to the cardiovascular system and it fights off infections. The lymphatic system is made up of the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, tonsils and adenoids. They can take in elements that are too big to enter a capillary. They contain fluid called lymph and it is made from white blood cells, proteins, fats and sometimes bacteria or virus. Lymphatic capillaries come together to make lymphatic vessels. They are similar to veins in that they are made of three layers and have valves that keep the lymph from flowing in the wrong direction. The flow of lymph is also helped along by contracting muscles during movement and by breathing. The lymphatic vessels come together until there are enough of them to make two large vessels. These two vessels are called the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct. They combine with veins near the shoulders so the lymph is able to go back to the cardiovascular system.
                        Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are found at spots by the lymphatic vessels. Their function is to remove microorganisms, cellular debris and damaged cells from the lymph before it goes back in the cardiovascular system. Lymph nodes are found in the digestive tract, neck, armpits, and groin. They are surrounded by connective tissue and have connective tissue and two kinds of white blood cells, macrophages and lymphocytes, inside them. The white blood cells remove microorganisms from the lymph. The lymphatic vessels bring the lymph to the nodes where it goes in and out of them. There are valves to make sure the lymph goes in the correct direction. As the lymph goes in the node, the macrophages kill unknown cells by phagocytosis and the lymphocytes turn on defense mechanisms.
                        The Spleen
The spleen is the biggest lymphatic organ. It is found in the upper left abdomen. It is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue with muscle cells scattered throughout. Red pulp and white pulp are found inside the spleen and are types of tissue. The spleen has the jobs of removing old and ruined ted blood cells and fighting infections. Macrophages are found in the red pulp and they destroy microorganisms and old or damaged red blood cells. The blood is kept in the red pulp so it is available if you have a need for more blood. Lymphocytes are found in the white pulp and they look for unknown pathogens. Some diseases cause the spleen to become enlarged and it can rupture if it is hit. Surgery is necessary to prevent hemorrhage and the spleen is removed. A person can live without their spleen because there are other organs that have the same jobs. 
                        Thymus Gland
The thymus gland is found just above the heart. It is surrounded by connective tissue and holds lymphocyte and epithelial cells. It produces the hormones thymosin and thymopoietin. The younger a person is the more this gland works to make the defense system strong. As a person grows older this gland shrinks and may even eventually disappear if it is no longer needed.
Tonsils are made of lymphatic tissue and are found in the throat. Tonsils take out microorganisms that enter the throat. The sometimes become infected and have to be taken out by surgery. Adenoids are also lymphatic tissue and are found further back near the nasal. They usually begin to shrink when a person reaches 5 years old and eventually disappear. Sometimes adenoids are large enough that they block the airflow and may need to be surgically taken out.
            First Line of Defense Against Pathogens
The skin is the first defense that pathogens come up against. Skin is made up of four main features that help it be a good defense. The first is the protein keratin that is found in skin. The second is that new skin is always being made when old skin dies away. The third is that skin has a low pH so it is not a good environment for unknown cells. And the fourth is that sweat glands make an antibiotic called dermicidin that fights off bacteria. It is easier for pathogens to enter through places where there is no skin covering. To make it hard for pathogens to enter through the eyes, we have tears that can wash them away. Saliva is a defense system to keep pathogens from entering through the mouth. Saliva and tears have an enzyme that destroys some bacteria called lysozyme. The ears make earwax that microorganisms become stuck in. The body also produces mucus in which microorganisms stick to. The digestive acid is the stomach is so strong there is only one type of bacteria that can survive in the stomach, H. pylori. The body also produces vaginal acids that are acidic but they are not as strong as the stomach acids. The body can get rid of some pathogens through vomiting, urinating and defecation.
            The Second Line of Defense
                        White Blood Cells
If a pathogen is able to get past the first line of defense, they will begin to destroy cells. If this happens nonspecific defense system will begin to work to identify and fight off the pathogens. The white blood cells, phagocytes are part of that system. They grab bacteria and surround it. Once it is surrounded, lysosomes that contain enzymes do away with the bacteria. Neutrophils are also white blood cells that do away with bacteria and also some fungi. Macrophages, yet another white blood cell, fight off virus and bacteria parasites. If the pathogen is too big for these to digest it, the white blood cells eosinophil will fight it by circling the pathogen and throwing enzymes at it.
Inflammation is a line of defense for tissue that has been damaged. During this process there is redness, warmth, swelling and pain due to what is happening to stop the damage from spreading and to repair the tissue. The cells that have been hurt give of chemicals that let the body know to start the inflammation process. Connective tissue called mass cells let out histamine which causes the blood vessels that are nearby to widen. This brings more blood into the injured area which causes it become red and warm. It also causes leakage into tissue which causes swelling. Clotting proteins make a fibrin mesh to keep the injured tissue away from the healthy tissue. The swelling causes there to be pressure to nerve endings resulting in pain.
                        Natural Killer Cells
There are white blood cells referred to as natural killer cells and they attack tumor cells and viruses. They give off chemical that destroy the cell membranes they are attacking.
                        Complement System
The complement system is made up of 20 plasma proteins that complement other defense systems. They travel though the body until they are needed then they are turned on and turn others on in a chain reaction. They come together to make a large protein that can make holes in the bacteria. Then fluid and salts seep in until the bacterium grows so large it bursts.
When a virus takes over a cell the protein interferon goes to cells that are nearby that are healthy and causes them to make proteins that stop the virus.
When macrophages realize there is pathogens they release pyrogens which cause your body temperature to go up. This makes the body a less friendly place for the pathogen and also helps speed up the defense system and tissue repair.
            The Third Line of Defense
The third line of defense is the immune system. The immune system fights off antigens. Antigens are substances that cause the immune system to turn on. Antigens are large proteins or polysaccharide molecules. The each has a different shape. The immune system makes a certain antibody to attack the antigen. It makes the certain antibody based on what shape the antigen is. Antigens are found on the outside of a cell so the immune system is not able to tell there is a virus once the virus is inside a cell. A persons cells contains major histocompatibility complex proteins that lets their immune system know that these cells belong and not to attack them.
Lymphocytes are white blood cells. There are two kids, B cells and T cells. B cells grow in bone marrow and T cells in the thymus gland. B cells make antibodies that fight antigens. T cells attack unknown cells that have antigens. There are five groups of antibodies. The largest group is IgG and is located in the blood, lymph, intestines and tissue. They are able to enter the placenta during pregnancy and the baby will be born with some of the mother’s immune system. IgM antibodies are located in the blood and lymph. They turn on the complement system when needed. IgA antibodies are found in areas where there are mucous membranes. They counteract pathogens and are found in breast milk, another way a mother’s immune system is passed on to her infant. IgD antibodies are located in blood, lymph and B cells and their job in unknown. IgE antibodies are located in B cells, mast cells, and basophils. They let out histamine during times of inflammation. They are also responsible for allergic reactions. Antibodies are made so that they are able to target a certain antigen.
            Immune Memory
Once the immune system has fought off a certain antigen B and T cells make memory cells. These cells create immunity from that disease. Each time you are exposed, it takes less time for the immune system to fight off and destroy the pathogen so you may not even feel sick. Some cells last a lifetime, some need to be reactivated.
Medical Assistance in Fighting Pathogens
The basis behind immunizations is to expose the body to an antigen so the immune system will initiate a primary response then if a person is exposed again to the antigen, memory cells will kick in and quickly fight it off. There are also passive immunizations in which a person if injected with antibodies that their immune system has not had time to make. Antibodies have been cloned and are called monoclonal antibodies. They are used to test for pregnancy, prostate cancer, hepatitis, influenza and HIV/AIDS. Antibiotics are another way medicine can help fight pathogens.
            Inappropriate Immune System Activity
A person develops allergies when the immune system acts as if the allergen were a pathogen even though it is not.
                        Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune disorders happen when the immune system goes after its own cells. Lupus erythematous is one type of autoimmune disease. This disease attacks connective tissue. It is much more common in women than men. Rheumatoid arthritis is another autoimmune disorder. It causes imlommation in the synovial membrane that is found in joints. It kills joint cartilage and the bone and eventually causes deformations.
There is no cure to these inappropriate immune system responses.
(Respiratory System)
The Respiratory System
Respiration includes four functions. Breathing is when air moves in and out of the lungs. External respiration refers to gases between inhaled air and blood being traded. Internal respiration is when gases are traded between blood and tissue. And cellular respiration is when oxygen is used to make ATP in cells. Respiration also helps to produce sounds in humans and animals.
            Upper Respiratory System
The respiratory system is divided into the upper and lower respiratory tracts. The upper respiratory tract is made up of the nose and pharynx. Nose enters into the body through your nose or mouth as you inhale. The nose also gives you a sense of smell, filters some foreign objects that are inhaled, provides moisture and warmth to air, and gives your tone to your voice. The external nose is the part you can see. The inside is the nasal cavity. They are made into 2 chambers by the nasal septum. Air enters through your nostrils then enters into the nasal cavity. There is epithelial tissue surrounding the cavity. This warms up the air and provides mucus that can trap foreign objects so they don’t get any further into the respiratory tract. There are tiny hair like things called cilia that move the mucus to the back of the nasal cavity. We expel it by coughing it up or swallowing it. In cold weather they do not move as fast which is why people’s noses run when they are cold. Then the air comes into the pharynx, the throat. The pharynx connects to the larynx and the air will enter the lower respiratory tract.
            Lower Respiratory Tract
The parts of the lower respiratory tract are the larynx, trachea, bronchi and the lungs. The larynx jobs are to keep the airway open, make sure the food and air go into the right places, and help produce sound. It is made up of the epiglottis and vocal cords. The epiglottis is a flap at the opening of the larynx. When air is coming in it stays open. It closes when we swallow food. This keeps food and liquids from going into the trachea. Vocal cords are connective tissue. Most of the sounds we make are by the vocal cords vibrating. Your tone is affected by how tightly stretched your vocal cords are. Next air reaches the trachea, commonly referred to as the windpipe. It is made of c shaped cartilage that is kept together by connective tissue and muscle. The lining of the trachea is cilia and epithelial tissue. The mucus again traps any foreign objects that have made it that far. The cilium moves them away from the lungs. If an object becomes stuck in the trachea, choking occurs. Next the airway becomes two sections, the right and left bronchi. These keep dividing into smaller and smaller bronchi. The smaller bronchi have less cartilage. The smallest airways do not have any cartilage and are made from a layer of smooth muscle that is surrounded by connective tissue. Bronchi have other jobs than just moving air. They help clean the air, help warm it up so it is the same as body temperature and soak it with water vapor. Next air enters into the lungs where the exchange of gases occurs. The lungs are made of connected airways and at the end are 300 million tiny sacs that are filled with air and called alveoli. The alveoli are where the exchange of gases takes place. Blood in the pulmonary capillaries comes very close to the air in the alveoli.
            Breathing Process
Lungs do not have any skeletal muscle so they need the bones and muscles around them to make them expand. The bones and muscles that help in this process are the ribs, intercostal muscles that are located between ribs, and the diaphragm.
                                                           (Visible Body)
          Gas Exchange
When blood enters the capillaries, oxygen spreads from the capillaries to interstitial fluid. Carbon monoxide spreads the other direction; it goes from the cell to the interstitial fluid to the capillaries. Oxygen is carried in the blood by binding to hemoglobin in red blood cells or it dissolves into plasma. 98% of oxygen is carried in the blood by binding to hemoglobin.
            The Nervous System Regulates Breathing
Skeletal muscles control breathing and skeletal muscles are turned on by motor neurons which mean the nervous system controls breathing. The nervous system controls the rate and depth so that there is homeostasis in certain things like CO2, H+ and O2. We can consciously control are breathing if we chose to a certain extent.
There is an area called the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata which is located in the base of the brain. The respiratory center is made up of nerve cells that give of electrical impulses. These impulses travel to the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles and cause them to contract. The rib cage expands and the diaphragm goes down and we are able to inhale. When the impulse is over, the muscles relax, the rib cage goes back to normal, the diaphragm goes back up and we exhale. The rate and depth of breath are controlled by the requirement to get the CO2 out. We can override this system and control our breathing for a short period of time. However, the regulatory mechanisms will overpower our will if we are providing out bodies with the breath it needs.
            Respiratory Disorders
                        Disorders that Impede Respiratory Function
Asthma is a respiratory disorder that is causes by the bronchial muscle spastically contracting, bronchial swelling and more mucus than usual being made. The bronchi close partway so it is difficult to breathe. It is a chronic condition. There are medications to help open the bronchi and reduce the swelling. Finding out what is the cause the attack and avoiding triggers is also helpful.
Emphysema is chronic disorder form damaged alveoli. Connective tissue to the small airways is destroyed which makes the airways not stay open as they should and collapse when expiration. This damages the alveoli which make for a reduced are for gases to be exchanged.
Bronchitis occurs when the bronchi becomes inflamed making a cough that produces more mucus than normal.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease. It causes there to be thick mucus in the lungs that affects the air flow through them.
                        Respiratory Disorders from Microorganisms
Colds and flues are upper respiratory infections that are usually caused by viruses. There is no cure for them and they are usually not dangerous. Occasionally they can develop into a serious infection.
Pneumonia is when the lungs become infected and cause the alveoli to make more fluid than needed which gets in the way of the gasses being properly exchanged. Pneumonia can usually be treated but sometimes can lead to death.
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that causes coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, sweat, loss of appetite and weight loss and damages the lungs. Tuberculosis can be treated by antibiotics.
Botulisms when you become poisoned by Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium. This is found in food that hasn’t been fully cooked. It makes swallowing and talking difficult, double vision, nausea and vomiting. It blocks nerve signals to the skeletal muscles so you are unable to breath. Botulism will lead to death if it is not treated.
                        Lung Cancer
Cancerous cells push normal cells out of the lung and interfere with the air moving through the airway and the exchange of gases. More than 90% of people with lung cancer are smokers or former smokers.
                        Pneumothorax and Atalectasis
Pneumothorax is when one of the lobes in the lungs collapses. It is life threatening and treatment is needed right away. Atalectasis occurs when gas isn’t being exhanged because the alveolar collapsed or fluid has built up in the alveoli. It can be treated by reversing the cause.
                        Congestive Heart Failure
If the left side of the heart doesn’t work properly it can lead to blood not flowing through it and backing up, raising the blood pressure in the pulmonary vessels. This causes fluid to in the interstitial space between capillaries and alveoli. This leads to less spread of gases.

Works Cited Orthopedics. 3 November 2011. 14 April 2012 <>.
Anatomy of the Human Heart. n.d. 14 April 2012 <>.
Biology Corner. Blood Typing. n.d. 14 April 2012 <>.
High White Blood Cell Count. 2012. 14 April 2012 <>.
Innerbody. Cardiovascular System. 2012. 14 April 2012 <>.
Johnson, Michael. Human Biology. Pearson Education, 2012.
Learning, Enchanted. Human Skeleton. n.d. 14 April 2012 <>.
Respiratory System. 18 May 2010. 14 April 2012 <>.
The Franklin Instute. Blood. 2012. 14 April 2012 <>.
“Respiration-Ventilation 3D Medical Animation.” Animation by Visible Body. 25 September 2008. YouTube. 14 April 2012.
“Lymphatic” Animation by Sun Coast Seminars. 9 March 2011. YouTube. 14 April 2012.

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